You can cancel any booking through us free of charge up to 24 hours before rental.
To cancel, simply let our service team know within our opening hours.
The minimum age to rent a car is typically 21 years old. However, some rental car companies may have a minimum age requirement of 25 or may charge an additional fee for drivers under 25.
To rent a car, you will typically need a valid driver's license, a credit card in the renter's name for payment, and proof of insurance. Some rental car companies may also require additional identification or documentation, so it's best to check with the specific company for their requirements.
Yes, thanks to our One Way Rental, you can return your car to a different location than where you picked it up. This way you can enjoy your Texas vacation without being bound to one specific place.
The cost of renting a car in El Paso can vary depending on factors such as the rental car company, the type of car, the duration of the rental, and the time of year. Currently you can rent a car in El Paso for only 51 $ per day and 356 $ per week.